It was simple in nature, literally. There was raking, jumping in the leaves, placemat making with leafs, popcorn relay races, pumpkin cookies, apple cider and “hay rides” in a little red wagon. As you can see from the photos below, it was an old fashion good old time, where all the neighborhood stopped by and even the dog Gretchen enjoyed herself.
A leaf party! What a great idea.
A six year-old in our neighborhood came up with this idea to have a leaf party. It was inexpensive, impromptu and fueled by kid imagination. I loved it, the kids loved it and the mama really embraced the idea too.
What a fantastic idea! I would like to invite you to add this, and more of your great posts, to my weekly Mom’s library Link-Up.
Thanks and be blessed,
Julie @ Hey Mommy, Chocolate Milk