We took a walk in the fallen leaves the other day. They were wet. Next time I’ll wear better shoes. But I didn’t care in that moment of wet boots and damp wool socks. The sounds of the leaves and the two toddlers running together, taking turns holding the dog leash…was all I needed for a blissful Thursday walk. Later that same day when it warmed up and dried out, my girls plus a few others raked and built leaf apartments. It was the kind of afternoon where one mom drives by, and two kids hop out to play. Then one more joins and Grandma says I’m headed home, she’s having fun. And I say great! They played raking leaf houses from the time we got home from school till after dark. I cooked, and had a great view of all the joy outside my window. Happy Fall you all. It finally feel likes it’s here. Along with soups and scarves and boots. The beautiful bright ginkgo leaves are bitter sweet in November for me. But they are my symbol of Fall. And I’m embracing all the feels.