My newest birthday tradition are these seat covers for the birthday girl. I did one for my oldest daughter who turned seven last week. It was something I thought of the night before her party, as I furiously sewed everything the day before (yes it’s true)
But this baby, whose due date was on my oldest daughter’s birthday, is the one we celebrated today. Two, she’s really two, or 2 – no matter how you look at it! 2!
And in true last minute style, this birthday seat cover was sewn today, the day we came back from being out of town, about one hour before dinner. She really loved the decorations, pointing to all of them laughing, excited, saying, “Party.” She was grateful, in a very excited two-year-old way.
I always try and do at least one homemade gift for my girls on their birthday. This time, her oldest sister did her the honor, by sewing her this small lap quilt (with my help), on her very own sewing machine.
Another important birthday tradition here is that each girl has her very own cake stand that she uses on her birthday.
Lastly, I tell the girls every year on their birthday the story of the day they were born. This little two-year-old was born at 11:45 pm. Which is right about now! So I’m off to nurse her back to sleep, kissing her head and telling about the moment I met her.
I love reading your stories of traditions and love how you are adding to old ones. Yours are so much better and sustaining, but do you remember all your banners and decorated chairs. Reminds me of you and Matt growing up. Glad to see some things hang around. Love the pictures and antidotes.