Friday my girls opened up packages from their grandparents and went straight to declaring a window for themselves each to decorate with their crafty gifts. In our dinning room there were three window for three girls. At that moment I said to myself, “Today three seems like the right number.”
People tell me you “just know” when you are done having babies. Some days I think I know what they mean.
Another example of three being the right number is our three lockers, all set up here in a photo for the new school year. That day, three seemed like a good number.
It may sound silly to simmer down the number of kids you should have to the number of windows and lockers in your house.
I know in large families they would just pile it all in, sharing as need be. My girls already do share a lot. We encourage it heavily. But on these two days, and many more days lately, three seems like the right number.