One of my blogger friends, Heather Alexander at The Mommyhood, keeps a sidebar of funny quotes from moms and kids that readers send her. Because really it is true, as the cliche goes – kids say the darndest things. Sometimes the parents say them too, in the heat of the moment without even realizing it.
My point is, sometimes life is funny. We should remind ourselves to take note of that once in a while, and laugh at ourselves, with our kids and at all the silliness around us.
Currently I have a quote up at The Mommyhood. Recently my oldest daughter was eagerly awaiting her hot chocolate she was making by herself in the microwave. I hate the microwave to begin with. And I really hate when my kids stand next to it, at eye level to the countertop.
“Step back so you don’t microwave your face please,” just popped out of my mouth like all was normal business in our kitchen. Then it hit me, that sounded pretty funny.
On the flip side of things, my middle child said something awe strikingly intuitive last week. It was funny at first but then I realized how simply profound it was.
“When I’m with grown ups I use grown up words so they can understand me,” she said. “And when I’m with kids I use kid words.”
I don’t want to be stuck in a grown up world! Do you?
Especially when I’m reminded in such sweet ways that I should stop and take a moment, so to say.
“Mom, it looks like you are in a bad temper,” said my middle daughter. Me: “Yes honey. When little people pee their pants in car seats and laugh, run down the sidewalk too close to the street not following the rules, and throw pencils all over the floor – It puts me in a bad temper.” Her reply: “Mom she can’t help it if she peed in her pants.” Me: “Yes you are right.” We all laughed, hugged and it made things better.
There are days when I walk around my house, a lot of them actually, and I find random sorts of funny things hanging, decorating, wearing and stuck in peculiar places.
The grown up in me sometimes gets frustrated at the mess of it all. But there other times when I laugh and it makes the tough times of parenting better too.
Lately I’ve been trying to embrace these findings – like socks hanging from the chandelier – photograph it and remember it. Because soon these days will be over and I’ll be walking around the house wondering where all the stuffed animals went that used to live perched on the lamp shades.
Because that is normal right?
Following are a few photo happenings from our house last week.
First is Toto wearing a Bitty Baby Christmas dress with his neck wrapped in a Valentine necklace. His fur was accidentally felted when we went into the dryer. He is sitting on top of our couch, safe from our eyeball chewing dog Lulu.
Next up is a collaboration by my two oldest girls. Inside those boots I found three play phones, two headbands, numerous hair clips and pair of doll sized ballet shoes.
My toddler needs no instructions when adding to the fun of putting things in places that don’t belong. But like that quote from my middle girl, really this makes perfect sense.
And lastly, when I cleaned out the doll closet/play fort/school house/other things that only a seven year old can understand – I found that Molly and Ruthie have their own files for their (real) completed school work. I don’t even have files! This trait to be mega organized and follow all the rules make up all the rules, must be an oldest child trait.
I’d love to hear the funny things you find and hear around your house. What about the boys? What do you find from them?
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