The mom, who is due any moment now, doesn’t know if she is having a boy or a girl. Inside the fabric bag is a set of cloth wipes (because she uses cloth diapers) and an amber teething necklace (because I know her three-year-old daughter is not going to want to give hers up). Both were purchased from Cutie Tooties, who is a Simply Natural Mom sponsor.
Wanting a natural gift bag to go with the theme of the gift, I reused a muslin bag that a dress came in previously ordered from Etsy. The ribbon was new and in my stash of sewing supplies.
I love when things come together like this, in a very short time. Just as I needed to head out the door with three kids in tow, to piano lessons, to pick up raw milk, mail a Father’s Day present, pick up a box to store clothes in from our upstairs during renovations – you see my point. Things must be simple for me or they just don’t happen.
And this bag was perfect. Natural and pretty. Just what a sweet baby needs.
For more ideas on homemade wrapping, I have a Pinterest board labeled Homemade Wrapping ideas. There you’ll find where I used an old curtain as wrapping paper. And lots of there people’s ideas like these, using brown paper, yarn, stamps, photos, fabrics and more. Check it out. Be inspired. You won’t ever regret giving a gift like this.