She jumps on EVERYTHING, off of everything and even attempts to jump out of the bathtub! During our recent hike up Mt. Leconte she earned the nickname Little Jumper because when walking on the trials she stopped to jump on every single rock.
So we got the girl a bounce house for her birthday, hoping it would do the job of keeping her little for a while longer. Jump away my sweet baby girl!
We ate yummy cake, celebrated with a few friends and had a simple backyard party – with a bounce house that is. Okay, maybe not so simple. But she is my baby girl. And OMG she is THREE!
As a mama gift I sewed her this dress, like the ones I made the big girls for their first day of school.
I loved on her all day long.
And at 11:45 p.m. – on the exact the moment she was born – I ate my last piece of her birthday cake while I looked at photos from her birth. And I cried, of course.
Happy Birthday sweet baby girl!
It seems like this day, welcoming this baby girl into our arms and singing happy BIRTH day for the very firstsime, WAS JUST YESTERDAY.