One of my mom missions is to have my kids know where their food comes from, eat good food, know the importance of organic food, and well, make overall good food choices in life. It’s not always easy. My oldest daughter will still tell you Cheese-its are her favorite food. Sigh…... But we do our best. One way of educating the girls is being a member of a CSA and visiting Farmer Megan’s farm.
For the last Brownie meeting, we took the troop to Farmer Megan’s. They loved it. Girls nibbled on fresh broccoli off the stalk from the ground, bit into radish heads like an apple, awed over the chickens and swooned over the baby goats. Here’s a few pictures from our HOT May visit.
As you might be able to see, Farmer Megan is pregnant. She is raising these goats to one day feed her toddler fresh goats milk instead of cows milk. How cool is that? Straight from the farm, in her backyard.