The last two summers we had a No TV Summer. This is because it’s easier for me to say no than it is to police who gets to watch when, and deal with the whining when the answer is no to the TV. Instead I posted a sign over the TV armoire that said No TV Summer.
Since the girls are getting older and able to be more accountable on their own, I created a new Summertime TV Rules this year. It’s posted inside the TV cabinet and they get to check off when they watch their allotted shows per week. Here’s how it works.
This is the first week of this plan. It’s a day and a half into it and each girl has used up their two shows for the week. And the middle girl has already talked the youngest into watching a show, when she had none left but her little sister did. Which I figured would happen and I still think it’s cute.
None of the girls has a personal handheld device or video games. So TV is all we have to deal with here when it comes to screen time. Notice I DID keep movie time in my own back pocket for when mom needs it most.
For full discretion: My oldest does have one of my old iPhones. But the only thing she can do on it is listen to music, take photos, videos and watch them. I’m perfectly fine with this. I love seeing the old baby videos pop up from when my youngest was 6 months old throwing grapes on the floor as I laughted and documented it. And, the younger two do sneak my phone from time to time to play an educational app I keep on there for waiting rooms and such. So don’t’ think we are that hard core. We slip up too.