During my savor-the-little-girl-times around here this summer, I was in search of a small picnic table for the yard. For the little people to sit at. Yes we have a big picnic table that works just fine, especially to hold the masses. But since the little people are dwindling (getting bigger) around here, I really want to keep all the little people furniture around as long as possible. Because YES, they grow too darn fast.
So I bought this cute table at a local ACE hardware store and stuck in the yard. It was not my idea to graffiti it, and paint it and leave such a cool mark on it. It was totally the kids idea! And once the first pictures were drawn, without my knowledge of it happening, I embrased the idea. It was their table. Let them make it their own.
The drawings continued, with other kids from other visiting families making their mark too.
Then one sunny afternoon, it seemed it had been too long since I let the girls paint all over something, and themselves! Using kid’s non-toxic paint, came the next step of the Picnic Art Table – paint.
We LOVE the book I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More! So I went in to that painting session knowing my pre-school girl would get naked and paint not only the table but her whole self too. And she did. Even down to the part of her body where in the book they run out of paint. Not here. Her butt was blue. And I was so glad I still have a little one willing to do such silly things with me. So this table will be forever special to me.
This is what the painting process started out like. And the rest of my photos are censored for me only. With a naked little girl covered in paint from head to toe.
But I will add, a baby pool full of soap outside is ONE fun way of getting clean. Even with a blue butt.
NOTE – To preserve the table and the artwork, I covered it with three coats of water based (non yellowing) polyurethane. And must to keep the art from washing away in the rain and sun.