Thankfully we have spring to look forward too, and the time of the year when moms can just say, “Go play outside.” And things can be that simple. Kids play, bike, stroll and are creative in ways only kids can dream up. They are free. They are together with impromptu gatherings with neighborhood friends of all ages. I love to see children from age 3 to middle school mixing it up all together, digging holes in the dirt for fun. I can not make this stuff up!
No one wanted school to come today. I didn’t want the dread of making lunches, or school pick up lines. And so it starts…. we are looking forward to summer, a blissful time of no schedules and leisurely trips to the beach.We all love a good classic summer here.
But for now we are gearing up for spring. Sprucing up and cleaning out strawberry patches, vegetable beds and having new stone put in so we can enjoy more outdoor dining without the mud.
This weekend I didn’t take any pictures. We were too busy juggling the work, the kids, the bikes, and playing tag with other parents taking constant head counts to make sure they were all accounted for or seen in the recent past. So I’m posting a few pictures from last weekend, with same classic old school fun of how my girls spend the weekends.
Sometimes I have to say, as the parent I feel a bit unaccomplished, spending the day counting kids and getting bandages, doling out snacks and refereeing all the toys on wheels. And yelling, “CAR!” We are not in the country. This is urban outdoor play with a twist of Mayberry. But I’m thankful my girls are growing up like this. Where weekends mean running over to a friend’s house to see who is playing in the backyard and end with grown ups sharing drinks on a porch.
Eventually things get done. Monday always comes, the laundry always gets backed up, the floors are left muddy, the homemade popsicle supply is gone from the freezer, there are ballet bags to pack, after school snacks, black beans to soak before dinner, piano to practice and a peaceful bed time to plan for.
And then it will be Tuesday. Then summer will pass. And one day my girls will be grown and I’ll be at home in a quiet house, with a stocked fridge, clean floors and no need to keep a to do list because everything gets accomplished.
It’s a tug and pull these days as we appreciate the now times, being pulled into the future with kids who roam further and now take the dog for a walk while I make dinner. I still long for the days where we sit on a blanket and play with a baby in the sun, all in one spot with no need for head counts. I don’t want to think about the quiet times in my house and a fridge that stays full. But my mind goes there, as they get bigger, go further and get faster.
At the same time I try to enjoy these weekends…. where we are at right now. With growing kids, savoring the days and appreciating the classic weekends in Mayberry.
Under her “peace tree” with her cat Fruit Punch.
Her pinecone collection, aka “shopping for pinecones.” I love her young spirt and I hope it never leaves her!
Riding home from the park barefoot. Because she accidentally peed on her shoes being one with nature (there is no bathroom at the park). She refused to wear them home and I refused to carry her and push her bike.
Experimenting with no training wheels. Getting SO big.
The girl who hides behind a book, and a window.
Where we started the Saturday morning, taking the little girl and a friend to a local radio show to see kid music. I fought back tears half the time I stood there, at the thought of not having anymore littles to take to a kids radio show.
I love my growing kids, but moving past the baby days and accepting these changes is hard too.
Oh this hit home. I do this all the time…and my babies are still under 3. I’m going to be a mess when they aren’t toddlers anymore. Thanks for such a REAL heartfelt post. Beautiful family.
Thank you Amy for the sweet response. I am no doubt having a rough time after two miscarriages, dealing with this moving on business. But I do see the good in them getting older – like me being able to manage them at the beach by myself. I’m finding things to look forward to.