This summer I’ve decide to just wing it. There are no Pinterest inspired projects and nothing major to report in terms of new play structures, or outdoor games or anything. It’s just simple open-the-door-and-go-outside fun happening here.
A friend posted this blog Top 1o Ways to Give Your Kid a 1970’s Summer and I love it. I’m more of an 80’s child (born in 1976) but so many of the classic things ring true of the summers I want my girls to remember. We have a rule at our house where all kids have to play outside. The trek from the patio to the fridge needs moping constantly! And there is always someone else’s kid in my yard. Love live the classic summer!
We have a bin full of “backyard swimsuits” in the basement that are available for play that results in grass stains and paint messes – with enough for sharing with lots of friends. In the pantry is a large mason jar full of popcorn for snacks and always a watermelon for sharing. The kids who frequent our house know where things are. They know the rules and most of them are now big enough to nearly fend for themselves (with a little help from older sisters around sometimes).
Here’s a few snapshots of what we’ve gotten into so far….
And if a giant slip and slide isn’t enough? A faux beach for fun and a big baby pool is still a people pleaser here.
When that water fun is done, there is the pool. All of them can actually swim this year so the real pool (where the shallowest end is 4 ft.) is actually relaxing for me this year. They all put on their own sunscreen and get ready independently. Therefore, getting out the door into the real pool is a finally a simple, fun task.
Instead of planning art activities, I discreetly put a new craft book on the art to able to be discover. My four-year-old took the bait and created a mask all by herself! Older sister helped her find some of the supplies and I only witnessed the very end of the creative process. Then I got the treat of seeing this mask girl sneak up behind me. Maybe it’s a little pay off after 9 years of intensive craft training with my oldest girl. (Yes I love arts and crafts.)
Books fill in all the gaps here for summer. I arm our home with books and limit the TV. Somedays I feel like a mean mom because I have not allowed my children to have any personal electronic devises of any kind. Then I see my oldest girl reading, literately, in every nook and corner in every second she can….and I think they are doing JUST fine this way. My computer is available to them if want to look something up or use it – but they rarely ask to do so.
We keep blocks and baskets of games and puzzles for easy access in our living room. Sometimes the littles need this down time and at my house they know where to find it. And they know I’ll probably ask them to clean it up when they are done. It’s part of the summertime fun and part of the deal when kids are around everyday, and including sleepovers.
The biggest news of summer is…Chickens are on the way! Yep backward chickens are really happening. The littles discovered the mobile chicken house recently delivered via mail, and pretended to be chickens.Building the real coop has been a long process but is so going to be amazing. The girls have asked to use it as a playhouse until we get the chickens closer to the end of summer after vacation time if over. They have been pre-orderd and will be delivered via mail. Strange – I know! But SO exciting.
The coop is getting close to being finished, after many weekends of work and two visits by my expert builder dad to who was essential in teaching us how to get our plan off the ground. But here’s a sneak peak. Any further summer projects are going to involve beautifying and planting yummy things for chickens in and around it.
Yes summer is here. And I DO love summertime.