We are settling into our new year here. And honestly I am thankful to have the holidays checked off my list and the decorations pack up. This year it all just seemed like a lot to me. The holidays are a lot of work, a lot of stuff that adds to our daily clutter and a lot of efforts to hone distractions from the simple days I appreciate most with my family. I think that’s just the way the way it goes for moms in this season of life.
To counterbalance the uncontrollable busyness of the season, I didn’t plan any big holiday todo items or events.
We didn’t all crawl into the car in our PJs and drive around looking at Christmas lights like I thought we would. We didn’t know if the girls were going to be in the church Christmas Pageant until we got there. Piano recitals were postponed until February because their teacher (a mother of three) must have been feeling overwhelmed as well. Decorating gingerbread houses went to the side of history, because even if I limit sugar during the season there is WAY more of it creeping in from every direction than we need. Everything we did was smalltime local – from the children’s theatre production we attended, the holiday orchestra and craft markets. It was all spur of the moment.
Most handmade gifting was outsourced to other local crafters and purchased at craft markets. Several gifts came from my favorite antique/thrift stores. All other shopping was done online. We wrapped all presents with store bought paper! The girls’ matching Christmas nightgowns I made last year were worn again. We ate frozen pizzas for dinner on Christmas Eve and ate Christmas dinner prepared from Fresh Market. I took a three hour nap on Christmas Day. And you know what? Our house was still filled with joy, merry, song, dance, holiday movie snuggles, hot chocolate by the fire and lots of love. It was a wonderful Christmas season. I felt peace in my heart. And it was pretty uneventful, for blog world.
In mom world, moments like these make it all worth it.
Along with finding a manger scene made from American Girl dolls, complete with angel, wise men with gold and sliver….
When New Year’s came, the decorations were packed up and I was ready to move on. We invited best friends over to spend the night and for the first time my girls stayed up until midnight to ring in the new year with sparkling apple juice, noise makers and store bought party hats. The same friends hosted us at their house to celebrate Christmas Eve brunch. While it’s hard not having family in town, it’s lovely having special friends to share the good times with at home.
I’m looking forward to 2015. Both 2013, and 2014 were the most challenging years for me yet. I feel a deep, inner peace going into 2015. I can’t really explain it. It’s just a good thing.
I don’t have New Year’s Resolutions this year. Instead I’m going to focus on living in the moment, creating daily peace in our home, being present, thoughtful and authentic. It’s really an ongoing goal for a of a way of life. It’s not always easily achieved and something that takes mindful practice everyday.