Now then….on our first snow day of the season our stove was hot with chicken noodle soup and chili. I even made broth! I told you jumped right in – Paleo, Western A Price style!
The Instant Pot is amazing. I’ve never loved a crockpot because I can’t plan dinner at 9:00 AM. The Instant Pot is an electric pressure cooker that is like a microwave crock pot without the fear that I’m going to blow up the kitchen. Vegetarians… close your eyes.
Then came the broth, and soup.
The chili was leftover from two nights ago. From the 1/8 of a cow that is frozen in our basement. The pig is gone. The chicken is from our food co-op where they only (mostly) sell meat from local farmers. None of it’s cheep. But we eat it sparingly which is how I now believe meat should be consumed. I’m still adamantly against all commercial meat farming.
And of course there were cookies. Devoured by a gaggle of eight girls who came in from the cold all at one time.There I said it. We now eat meat. And it’s taking me nine months to tell you.