Lydia attended a scuba camp where she learned to scuba dive in a 10 foot pool. In October she’ll be 10 years-old and ready to get her junior scuba diving certification. Then she’ll join my oldest daughter and husband in deeper waters. This week she’s attending an art camp at the school she’ll be attending next year. It’s a Montessori school very close to our home. She loves it. And I’m grateful. I’ve always said this girl will take us big places. Three scuba divers in the family will definitely take us to more oceanic places.
Aubrey has taken up golf! I can not say enough amazing things about The First Tee youth golf program. For three weeks she has gone to golf camp for six hours a day. She eats lunch there, has yoga class for golfers, takes field trips to feed the homeless and even visits in a community pool. She has met some new friends and it has been a wonderful social outlet. I hope she keeps up the sport!
Haiden will be going into 9th grade next year. She spent two weeks going to WOW Urban Ministries as a day camper. It’s urban mission work and worship that also provides a purposefully social outlet for this age. It opened her eyes to a lot of new things and life experiences. I highly recommend WOW! It’s a progressive church program and a great cause. I don’t have a photo of Haiden at camp. But she marched in our Pride Parade last week, hitching a last minute ride with some friends. It was nice to see our town fill up with love that day.
Esther Kate is having mom camp days at home as my side kick. Her exciting news is that she attended her first big birthday party. Last year she started Montessori school full-time. But birthday parties at this age for children who are not close family friends tend to fall off my radar. Simply because our calendars would be jam packed if I said yes to everything. EK was truly thrilled to see her school friends in the middle of summer. It was a slip and slide party and she was on that slip and slide for a solid 75 minutes. This baby will turn four this summer. How? I don’t know but it’s true.
I love how you all schedule things to make sure everyone can experience something, but also so the parents don’t lose their sanity.