In one full day in Reykjavik we went to Aurora Reykjavik to learn about the Northern Lights, the Whales of Iceland museum, a whale watching tour, walked around the old city and visited Hallgrimskirkja Church and went on the rooftop of our Airbnb for a final goodbye to our trip. We did a lot in Reykjavik and felt one day was enough time for us to explore the city.
From the rooftop of our Airbnb, we said goodnight to Iceland and goodbye to all our travels. We loved all the sunsets, all the boats, being around all water even if it was cold, all the family dance parties even if the words were in Swedish, trying all the local things and wearing ourselves out going place to place. The end of our trip was bittersweet because we were going home to face the sad days of Brian’s dad passing. We didn’t want to go home but home was calling us. We made a 10-hour pit stop to toss our dirty clothes in the laundry room, repack, drive to Georgia for funeral arrangements.
During this trip we learned our family does well going with the flow together, because we really love to travel. We learned a month is a long time to be together 24/7 and we do get cranky sometimes. But it brings us all together! Our older girls feel like they were missing out on life with friends being gone this long, and are protesting my goal of traveling the entire summer next year. Surprisingly, I learned I’m not as attached to my home as I used to be. Through my yoga practice I’ve learned to feel grounded even when everything around us is moving. Practicing non-attachment is working because we can easily live out of our carryon bags and a 10 piece wardrobe for 24 days. I could honestly sell everything and travel around the world full-time. But the girls have to go school and our time for untraditional schooling is closing as they age out Montessori school, start public high school and have to follow attendance policies.
As we move into the school year, I’ll be doing more writing about Home Life and Yoga Life. But the next time we hop on a plane or take a good road trip, I’ll be here to tell you about it.
Here’s a link list to each post from our Scandinavian Trip