I knew when I wrote my long and detailed post, 5 Reasons I will not get a flu shot, that we would end up getting the flu. Just because that would be my luck. And I was right. That’s where I’ve been all week long. Cuddled up with my kids (cat included) reading books, watching too much PBS Kids, and getting some rare afternoon sleep for myself.
My oldest daughter is prone to getting Strep Throat. So when her temperature spiked to 104 Saturday night (it went down to 101 with ibuprofen) we took her in to a clinic Sunday afternoon. That’s when she tested positive for Type A Flu. My toddler’s diagnosis came on Monday at the pediatrician’s office and by that afternoon I was sure it was hitting me too.
Luckly I had nothing major planned for the week. So you know, it was kind of nice to just shut down, declare it a week to be sick and that was it. I’ve checked emails on my phone but I’ve barely been at my computer all week.
When I was at my worst misery, I did start to contemplate if I wished I would have gotten the flu shot. My kids were bouncing back decent enough, with the help of Tamiflu. And by today, Thursday, I will report I’m feeling pretty good. I made it out to the grocery store, to get some lunch and to the vet’s office.
If I had to do it all over again, I would have done the same thing – no flu shot. I know that decision is not for everyone. But it’s a nice feeling regardless of the decision, to know in aftermath that you are happy with what you chose.
Factoring into that, is that I am lucky to be in the situation where my wonderful sweet husband was willing, and in a job where he was able, to come home early on three of those days to help with the kids. One day was so I could take my toddler to the doctor without bringing the others along and subjecting them to more illness in the waiting room. The other two was so I could get some much needed sleep.
I mean, when else does a mom of three kids get to go to bed at 3:00 in the afternoon with no anticipated interuptions of little feet needing something or wanting to report who took what from whom – all night long! Fever and misery included, that was kind of okay with me.
Coming out of it, I feel more well rested than I have in years. (Mind you the last eight years I’ve either been sleeping with nursing babies/toddlers or I’ve been pregnant.) I had gotten in a rut of staying up really late – sometimes 3 am or later – writing and just plain enjoying the only time my house is that quiet.
Sometimes we need to listen to our bodies. And the flu was just what I needed to knock me on my butt, slow me down and make me trade in my coffee in for a cup of chamomile tea.